Jurnal Sistem Informasi SIBerPro 2023-09-19T05:27:17+00:00 Dikwan Moeis Open Journal Systems SIBerPro: Jurnal Sistem Informasi Berkala Profesional PEMBUATAN SISTEM KATALOG PRODUK MAKANAN MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA K-MEANS PADA AGENCY UPOTENSI 2023-09-03T12:46:38+00:00 Christian Bobi Nuka Wea Widya Puspita <p>Upotensi faces several challenges that need to be fixed. One of them is that MSME product sales reports are still carried out using Excel, without the ability to group sales based on sales levels, such as high, medium, and low sales levels. In addition, currently MSME owners who are clients of Upotensi can only view product catalogs, but cannot manage them. They can't add, remove, or change descriptions, prices, and other attributes. Product catalogs also haven't been grouped by their level of sales. To overcome this, the catalog grouping process must be based on transaction data, and the results of this grouping must be stored in the database as supporting data to display the catalog using the K-means algorithm method to help the effectiveness of the catalog in product grouping. In addition, MSME owners also do not have access to view sales reports based on sales levels.</p> 2023-09-03T12:45:41+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Christian Bobi Nuka Wea, Widya Puspita SISTEM PENDUKUNG KEPUTUSAN PENGEMBANGAN PEGAWAI DI PUSKESMAS RANOMEA 2023-09-03T13:14:06+00:00 Yonatan Parassa Nathaniel L. Bijang <p><em>The Employee Development decision support system is a system that records, processes and presents data or information regarding staffing at the Ranomea Health Center. So far, personnel data processing is still done manually which can result in processing errors and relatively long time in presenting information. The purpose of this research is to build a staffing decision support system that is able to present staffing data/information quickly and accurately. This system was built in several stages with reference to the software life cycle model. The application of a computerized employee development decision support system can process data accurately and is able to present data relatively quickly, thus providing convenience for making effective and efficient decisions in the context of employee development at the Ranomea Health Center.</em></p> 2023-09-03T13:14:05+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Yonatan Parassa, Nathaniel L. Bijang ANALISIS PREDIKSI PERSEDIAAN BERAS MENGGUNAKAN METODE SINGLE EXPONENTIAL SMOOTHING BERBASIS WEB 2023-09-03T15:29:46+00:00 Musdalifa Thamrin <p><em>The shop is one type of business engaged in the agricultural sector selling rice. The basic thing that often happens in making all sales plans difficult to realize is mistakes in making accurate sales predictions and it is difficult for stores to determine the amount of rice that needs to be provided because to find out the current remaining stock, it must be calculated directly and recorded. The results of this study make an application to predict rice stocks using the Exponential smoothing method to calculate sales transaction data so as to produce a prediction of rice stocks in the future. The data that has been tested, namely 50 rice sales data in 2022, obtained predictions for the January 2023 period, namely 55 tons of rice.</em></p> 2023-09-03T15:29:46+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Musdalifa Thamrin SISTEM INFORMASI MANAJEMEN BERITA HASIL LIPUTAN WARTAWAN BERBASIS WEB MENGGUNAKAN METODE BASE64 PADA PT. SUN TELEVISI MAKASSAR 2023-09-14T02:01:19+00:00 Nurhidayat A. Gani Sahrul Ahmad Medy Wisnu Prihatmono <p><em>This study presents the development of a web-based News Management Information System utilizing the Base64 method for data encryption at PT. Sun Televisi Makassar. The existing challenges in news management, including fragmented reporting and information loss, led to inefficiencies. The proposed system integrates reporting, processing, and distribution within a unified platform, enhancing collaboration among journalists, bureau offices, and editors. The implementation offers heightened efficiency, real-time monitoring, and enhanced data security. Through this integrated system, PT. Sun Televisi Makassar aims to elevate its news quality, credibility, and audience engagement.</em></p> 2023-09-14T02:01:17+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Nurhidayat A. Gani, Sahrul Ahmad, Medy Wisnu Prihatmono PEMBUATAN APLIKASI OTOMATISASI PENERBITAN DAN PENDISTRIBUSIAN E-SERTIFIKAT PADA DINAS UPTD BPPSDMP SEMPAJA SAMARINDA 2023-09-19T05:27:17+00:00 Muhammad Riswandi Haerullah Riyayatsyah <p><em>This research discusses the role of the Regional Technical Implementation Unit (UPTD) of the Agricultural Human Resources Development and Extension Center (BPPSDMP) in organizing training, technical guidance, and workshops. UPTD issues certificates to participants as proof of attendance and competence. However, the current manual process leads to delays and a lack of mechanisms for verifying the authenticity of certificates. This study advocates for digital transformation in the issuance, delivery, and verification of certificates to enhance the efficiency and credibility of UPTD BPPSDMP programs. The research has resulted in an information system named SETKON, designed to address these issues. SETKON successfully automates the certificate creation process, reducing human errors, and expediting distribution by adopting an electronic certificate format. Research findings indicate that SETKON has effectively addressed the challenges faced by UPTD BPPSDMP. This system is expected to improve operational efficiency and provide significant benefits in managing electronic certificates within the organization, as well as enhance services for individuals who rely on these certificates for their agricultural activities. Consequently, this research has positive implications for the productivity and effectiveness of UPTD BPPSDMP in supporting agricultural human resources development.</em></p> 2023-09-19T05:27:15+00:00 Copyright (c) 2023 Muhammad Riswandi, Haerullah, Riyayatsyah